Windows VPS & Data Storage Hosting

We offers expert hosting support with industry leading performance and load times for your websites. Our data center is designed for 99.9% guaranteed uptime to works on 1000Mbit/s bandwidth with greater availability for high network traffic. MicroSofteer recommend Microsoft Windows servers for ASP.NET and MS SQL Server for better performance, smooth integration and high scalability. Contact Us

Shared Windows Hosting

Single Domain Name Hosting

10,000 MB SSD Hard Disk Space

Bandwidth 600+ Mbit/s Capacity Port

High availibility with 99.9% uptime

1 x MSSQL Server Database

Monthly Base Price PKR 1,800 mo

Managed Hosting PKR 2,700+ pm (Optional)

Data Storage

10 GB SSD Disk Storage

Bandwidth 600+ Mbit/s Capacity Port

Secure & Encrypted Data Transfer

Flexible Storage Space As Required

FTP Client/ Windows Map Drive Accessibility

Monthly Base Price PKR 630 mo

Additional Disk Space PKR 60 mo per GB Storage

Windows VPS-I

Windows Sever 2016 - 2022 Hosting

2 vCPU Cores with 4 GB RAM

High Capacity SSD Drive 400 GB

200 Mbit/s Capacity Port

32 TB Traffic with Unlimited Incoming

Monthly Price PKR 6,900 mo

Managed VPS PKR 36,000+ mo (Optional)

Windows VPS-II

Windows Sever 2016 - 2022 Hosting

4 vCPU Cores with 8 GB RAM

High Capacity SSD Drive 800 GB

400 Mbit/s Capacity Port

32 TB Traffic with Unlimited Incoming

Monthly Price PKR 9,900 mo

Managed VPS PKR 45,000+ mo (Optional)